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FNGA 101: Home


This is a brief guide for FNGA 101, focusing on finding resources about Indigenous Governance in general, as well as recommendations for Canadian and Yukon resources.

Quick tips for your search

  • Differences in terminology may impact your search. For example, though Indigenous Peoples is a commonly used term today, terms such as First Nations, Aboriginal (Canadian government resources and Australian sources), Indian (often used in older government documents in Canada), and native ("Native American" is a common term in the US) are also common. Combine those terms using OR.
  • Use specific keywords to represent certain age groups or specific populations. For example: elders, Tlingit, Cree, etc.
  • Use nested searches for related keywords or synonyms:
    • land claims AND implementation AND (first nations OR indigenous people OR aboriginal OR indians)
    • water resources AND policy AND (yukon OR alaska)
  • Use online repositories such as Points to the Past and Canadiana to find primary sources
  • Visit Yukon Archives or local indigenous offices for primary sources regarding Yukon First Nations

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