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Borrowing at YukonU Library

Check how to get a library account, borrowing conditions, fines & fees, and more.

Interlibrary Loan Form

Can’t find what you need at Yukon University Library? Request it and we’ll bring it here from another partner library.

Request an interlibrary loan

Can’t find what you need at Yukon University Library? Request it and we’ll bring it here from another partner library.

There are different ways to request an interlibrary loan (ILL). Check the description below:

Use the ILL Form
  1. Click on the Interlibrary Loan Request link on the library homepage.

  2. Fill out the information about the item you want to request and your personal information.

  3. Submit your request.
Use the library catalogue (Discovery)
  1. Search WorldCat Discovery .

  2. If the item is not found at Yukon U, expand your search to "Libraries Worldwide" (in the column located to the left of the results list), or use this ILL form to request the item.

  3. After you locate the item you want to access, click on the item title, and use the "Place an interlibrary loan request" button located below the item description.

  4. Sign in using your Office 365 credentials.

  5. Fill out the required fields and then submit your request.
Request from Illume

Illume is a database that simultaneously searches the BC and YukonU library catalogues. To search:

  1. Go to Illume and then search for the item you would like to borrow. For articles, search for the journal title, and then fill the information about the article.

  2. Fill out the the mandatory fields. You will also be prompted to create a password for your request.

  3. Submit your request.
Request from a database

Before requesting, check the Library catalogue (Discovery) to see if the item you are looking for is available.

  1. Click the "Request this item through interlibrary loan" link beneath the desired article.

  2. Fill out the request form.

  3. Submit your request.

InterLibrary Loans from other libraries

This information is intended for external libraries (non-YukonU). 


We lend most circulating items from our collection and allow for interlibrary loaning of articles. Returnable loans (books, videos, etc.) are for four weeks from the date shipped and we will happily renew for two more times unless a hold has been placed on the item. You are encouraged to verify the availability of items in the Yukon University Library Catalogue

Items NOT available for interlibrary loan:

  •  Items from the "new" collection, usually published within the year
  • Textbooks
  • Items from the reserve collection
  • Reference books
  • Items from the "archival" collection
  • Periodicals


While we do not lend periodicals, we will provide digital versions of articles. Copies can be sent by by email or by OCLC Article Exchange. 

Courier delivery

We ship by courier with fellow members of the BC ELN Media and academic libraries in Canada.


We do not charge libraries for interlibrary loans.

Placing Requests

  • Our preference is for requests to come through Illume and Worldshare ILL, but we will also accept requests by email.  We do not accept requests by telephone.
  • If you are requesting interlibrary loans using email, please include as much information as possible to ensure the speedy delivery of items.
  • Due to the small number of our Library staff, we cannot provide rush service.

Yukon University Library Information

  • YukonU Library code on Illume: YWC
  • OCLC symbol: CN4WZ


  • Current Yukon University students
  • Current Yukon University employees
  • Yukon University retirees and visiting researchers may be granted rights to request ILLs on a case-by-case basis.
All patrons must have an active and unblocked library account before requesting ILLs. Patrons with a blocked account due to a fine balance must pay the fine before ILL requests can be fulfilled.

  • Printed books
  • Chapters from printed books and ebooks; document sections
  • Articles
  • Dissertations and Theses
  • Reports
  • DVDs and multimedia (instructors only)

  • Students & employees of YukonU: free
  • Public: ILL requests are not available to public patrons through YukonU, but requests can be made through the EMR Library.
  • Retirees and visiting researchers: free, but requests are only granted on a case-by-case basis  

There is no limit for the amount of ILLs that can be requested. However, library staff reserves the right to cancel or postpone requests if there is abuse of the service (e.g. excessive number of requests in a short period of time; copy requests that exceed the limits allowed per copyright legislation, etc.). 

Generally no, although that depends on the length of the book. As per Canadian Copyright legislation, fair dealing guidelines apply for materials used in an educational context. You may either 1 chapter of a book or 10% of the overall content, whichever is greater.

  • Allow for a minimum of three business days for articles, book chapters, or document sections.
  • Allow a minimum of two weeks for books, dissertations, theses, and multimedia

Loan periods vary, as they are determined by the lending institution. We encourage patrons to pick up their interlibrary loaned items in a timely manner and to read the sleeve attached to the item, which contains important information such as the due date.

Renewals may be possible depending on the lending institution. Many ILLs can be renewed for a period of 2 weeks, but other items have no renewal permissions.

If you need to renew an item you borrowed via ILL, contact or visit us in person and we will let you know whether a renewal is possible. ILLs cannot be renewed online.

While there are no daily fines, your account will be blocked in Banner and you will be issued a replacement fee for the item in case it is not returned.