Northern communities face unique energy challenges. Communities in northern Canada operate on power systems that are isolated from the North American grid, with equipment that must endure severe weather conditions and networks that span vast geographic distances -all to meet the diverse energy needs of their community.
The Northern Energy Innovation (NEI) offers expertise to overcome these challenges in partnership with communities and their utility companies.
1. Select a topic that meets the requirements of your assignment.
2. Explore information: explore ideas and perspectives and identify potential sources of information.
3. Narrow your topic: identify key points you want to explore and formulate a question or argument around them.
4. Refine your search & evaluate resources: explore information related to your argument and make connections between your ideas and the ideas of others.
5. Use information appropriately: give credit to the original creators of information and strengthen your argument with citations and references.
Learn more about the search process and search strategies with this guide.
Tips for searching the databases and catalogue using AND, OR, NOT
When searching for content related to your essay or assignment, brainstorm some keywords. Then use AND (capital letters) to combine the keywords.
Example: to find articles on solar energy in the Yukon, you may try something like:
solar energy AND Yukon
If there is more than one word for something you are researching, use synonyms / similar terms separated by OR (capital letters). Using parenthesis () to determine groups of synonyms/related keywords will also lead to better results.
Example: if you researching the various energy needs of First Nations communities in the Yukon, you may try something like:
(indigenous people OR first nations OR aboriginal) AND (energy OR heating OR electricity) AND Yukon
Use NOT (capital letters) to exclude concepts from your search.
Example: electricity AND power grid NOT solar energy
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