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Early Learning and Childcare: Home

Find resources for Early Learning and Childcare

Start your search

1. Select a topic that meets the requirements of your assignment.

2. Explore information: explore ideas and perspectives and identify potential sources of information.

3. Narrow your topic: identify key points you want to explore and formulate a question or argument around them.

4. Refine your search & evaluate resources: explore information related to your argument and make connections between your ideas and the ideas of others.

5. Use information appropriately: give credit to the original creators of information and strengthen your argument with citations and references.

Learn more about the search process and search strategies with this guide.

Search tips

  • Use Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT) to combine keywords. E.g.: childcare AND sleep routines

  • When doing your search, use nouns instead of a question. For example, instead of searching for "how to socialize toddlers in day care centres?", search for toddlers AND socialization AND day care centres

  • Explore ERIC to find articles. Also try ERIC's thesaurus search (top left of the database). Learn more about the thesaurus search here.

  • Including keywords or using search filters that describe a specific age group can help you narrow results. Example: storytelling AND toddlers instead of storytelling AND children (children is more generic and will include results concerning various ages).

  • Consider using synonyms or related keywords separated by the boolean operator OR. Use advanced search or group the keywords using parenthesis (nested search). Example: childcare AND (toddlers OR infants OR young children).


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